Please allow me to introduce myself… My name is Tom Fitzsimmons and I have a rather unusual background for a white guy. I was born in Alabama in 1957 but raised entirely in Los Angeles in a neighborhood that became, by the time I was 10 or 11 years old, what can only be described [...]
December 17, 2009 / No Comment / Read MoreThe Race-Talk is managed and moderated by the staff at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity and is open to all respectful participants. The opinions posted here do not necessarily represent the views of the Kirwan Institute or the Ohio State University.
Our goal is to revolutionize thought, communication and activism related to race, gender and equality. Race-Talk has recruited more than 30 extraordinary authors, advocates, social justice leaders, journalists and researchers who graciously volunteered their expertise, their passion and time to deliberately discuss race, gender and equity issues in the US and globally.
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