Articles By: Restore Fairness
The Restore Fairness campaign is calling on the U.S. government to restore due process and fairness to our immigration system. Since the Declaration of Independence, America has striven to uphold fairness and due process. But today, a broken immigration system denies basic human rights and due process to people who live here. In the aftermath of 9-11, immigrants have borne the brunt of harsh policies, with the U.S. government allowing raids and arrests without warrants, holding thousands in inhumane detention conditions, and deporting people without a fair trial. This campaign site provides you with tools for action, so you can join us in building broad support for fair immigration policies that respect due process. The site includes a powerful documentary produced by Breakthrough in association with 26 key partners featuring leading voices on the issue and compelling personal testimonies, a video channel with additional immigration stories, a screening guide that aims to foster dialogue, an action hub, a blog for voicing opinion, tools for contributing and sharing content, and online resources to keep you up on the issue. With these, we hope to empower and encourage you to become an agent of change in your community. With your help, we can mobilize members of organizations, groups and individuals to demand that our government uphold the human rights of all people within the immigration system. We need you to take action now. Together, we can stand up for American values of due process and fairness. Become an ally of the movement today.