A year goes by fast. Way too fast. Thirteen months ago I plunged into my “year-long” exploration of the Indian health system. It’s been fascinating because there has so much activity: Congress enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and included with that bill the permanent authorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. [...]
David L. Wolper died last week at age 82. Many of you will wonder what the connection is between Wolper and Indian country. Wolper will go down in media history as the film producer who brought you the epic story of slavery with his award winning “Roots” which aired in eight parts on ABC in [...]
Continue reading …I don’t know who said, “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem,” but it certainly makes sense. Teen suicide, it would appear, is a problem throughout America, but it seems to happen more frequently among young Native Americans. A “study” on any topic usually does not offer a solution, but a “study” that [...]
Continue reading …An editorial by Indianz.com on Indianz.com asks, “What happens if Congress doesn’t approve the $3.4 billion settlement to the Indian trust fund lawsuit? It answers its own question with, “Nothing. No one gets any money. Litigation will continue at the expense of the Bureau of Indian Affairs budget and Congress will continue to do nothing [...]
Continue reading …What do people who work (or who have worked) for the Indian Health Service, think about the Indian Health Service? This is an important question when looking at any organization. Do the health care professionals see themselves as working for a great team? Are they employed by a government agency that’s too stingy with the [...]
Continue reading …Michele “Shelly” Vendiola, Communications Facilitator, Swinomish Climate Change Initiative “Mother earth has a fever, she is very sick.” Carrie Dann, Elder, Western Shoshone Defense Project In 1961 President Dwight Eisenhower spoke of the military industrial complex as the trilogy of U.S. government, military and industry. Today the government is seemingly hijacked by corporations: 7 of [...]
Continue reading …The enactment of health care insurance reform raises a thorny (and complicated) question for Indian Country: Should American Indians and Alaska Natives eligible for services in the Indian health system buy their own insurance? The first answer ought to be a resounding “no.” Clearly the United States has an obligation for health care because of [...]
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