Posts Tagged ‘Shirley Sherrod’
On Juan Williams and why Black folks really can’t talk about race

Race-talk is American’s national hiccup. This is nothing new. Many perspectives have been bandied back and forth about NPR’s recent and unceremonious firing of conservative commentator Juan Williams. I am personally not a fan of Williams. Even so, his termination was an opportunistic move by an organization...
October 29th, 2010 | Featured, Talk About Race | Read More
Rising above the blame: Politics, race and the “racial stalemate”

President Obama’s 2008 “A More Perfect Union” speech spoke of a country stuck in “a racial stalemate”: stuck in that place “for years”. Yet, in 2010 we are still cemented there. In “Shirley Sherrod: ‘Where are we headed?”, a July 22, 2010 interview conducted by PostPartisian’s...
August 11th, 2010 | African Americans, Featured, Politics | Read More
Race, lies, and videotape

Is “post-racialism” and “racism denial” in America related to the much more widely studied and deadly virus, “genocide denial,” only less sever? Wikipedia states: “Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy...
August 10th, 2010 | Talk About Race | Read More
Post racial what?… Codes, language & a new paradigm
Why is it so hard to talk about race and why are these conversations so politically charged? Historical roots notwithstanding, the Shirley Sherrod affair yet again points out that we’re addressing the wrong problem. President Obama offered that rationale in his now famous Philadelphia speech when...
August 6th, 2010 | Talk About Race | Read More
You cut, I choose: Imagining a brighter racial future

Remember when some people said that Barack Obama’s election meant we had gone post-racial? It really hasn’t turned out that way. In the last 20 months, we’ve heard the Attorney General of the United States say we’re a “nation of cowards” about race. We’ve seen a movement of people...
July 29th, 2010 | Featured, Talk About Race, US, Visions 2042 | Read More
Racial aspects of economy are significant for White House to address

After an intense and shameful week of poorly dealing with ex-USDA worker Shirley Sherrod and issues of race, the country is left trying to make sense of where we are and why issues of race seem so hard and intractable. There have been many editorials and stories – many of them very thoughtful. ...
July 28th, 2010 | Economics, Featured, Shirley Sherrod, US | Read More
Shirley Sherrod for president

Exactly one year ago, I published a book entitled, Black Feminist Politics from Kennedy to Clinton. My publisher, Palgrave Macmillan, has decided to re-print in paperback and they’d like me to change the title to “…from Kennedy to Obama” and add a chapter about the President. I’ve been blogging...
July 26th, 2010 | Featured, Shirley Sherrod, US, Women | Read More
USDA’s Shirley Sherrod, consumer rudeness, and the conundrum of blacks in power

By Dr. Ibram H. Rogers The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently forced its Georgia director of rural development, Shirley Sherrod to resign for her supposed racism. On Monday, a conservative blogger published a two-minute, 38-second video clip of a March 27 NAACP banquet. In the video, Sherrod apparently...
July 23rd, 2010 | African Americans, Featured, Shirley Sherrod, US | Read More