The American melting pot should be a blessing rather than a curse in 2042

Filed under: Visions 2042 |

By Patrick McHale

When proposed the notion of a United States that has progressed in equality and winning the fight against racism, sexism, and prejudice he viewed a very different America then today.  An America without prejudice is the real American Dream.  An America where being a melting pot is a blessing rather than a curse. This vision can be viewed in schools, homes, media, cities, and business.

America would be teaching in schools more about world history rather than just focusing on American history. History books would be filled with understanding of the infrastructure of our country beginning with the real founding fathers.  Lessons would be taught of the immigrants who entered the country building our mines, railroads, and cities. Students in school would learn of the hardships, the failures, and the successes of immigrants assimilating into western culture.  Students would learn a newer version of English than we use today. Vocabulary taught would be conscious of puritan vocabulary that degrades women and eliminate it.  Our schools would continue to have diversity organizations/clubs but unlike in today’s schools where these clubs are filled with minorities due to being voluntary it would be mandatory where all groups would meet and learn about each student’s story.

Changes in the business world would be contagious on our children growing in a different environment then we did. These changes would bring a shift in power. Executives would be hired honestly based on qualification, education, and performance.  This would bring a more women and minorities into leadership. Since Obama there have been presidents that have been women, Mexican, Asian, African American, as well as Caucasian.  Minorities we know from statistics will no longer be what it is today. Caucasians will become a minority and when that happens the ethnic culture that becomes majority remembers what struggles they had as a minority and that experience would help them learn from past mistakes of previous majority members.

These changes would bring a movement in religion as well. Religious leaders will let go of come of the man made prejudices that established from puritan beliefs.  As we are educated about truer world history we update our religious rule that damages certain individuals. All members of society should be given the ability to participate in ministry.

Equality in the sexes will bring a movement to allow women to participate more in their religious sanctuaries. I would hope Christian religions would get rid of the blonde haired blue eyed Jesus that puritans adopted to allow acceptance of their religions and celebrate who and where Jesus came from.  Let world history exemplify its heroes.  If this movement takes place it would lessen the idea of white privilege but until it does it is detrimental to not only the races and sexes but to what religion is really about and that is Love.

A vision of this United States is the true American Dream but is not a fantasy image like striking rich. This vision is attainable and it starts with education, patience, forgiveness, understanding, and love.

Artist: Unknown


Patrick McHale is a student at Ohio Dominican University.


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Author: Kirwan Institute (427 Articles)

Kirwan Institute

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